utorok 10. mája 2011

EME NEWS (MAY 10, 2011)

EME NEWS (MAY 10, 2011)







LONDON (GBR): UK Athletics chairman Ed Warner has been appointed to the prestigious position as chairman of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Athletics Sport Technical Committee (STC), meaning he will play a leading role in the development of the sport beyond London 2012 to Rio 2016. It is some consolation for his embarrassing failure last month to get a seat on the ruling Council of European Athletics, leaving Britain without any representation at the top table of the sport in Europe for the first time in its history writes Insidethegames.

KINGSTON (JAM): Olympic and world 100 m gold medalist Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce is thinking about doubling at World Championships in Daegu. It was after her win on Saturday at Jamaica International Invitational with windy 22.10. She must not qualify for 100 m as title defender has wild card from IAAF. “It’s my first 200 of the season and it’s the fastest I have ever ran. I am feeling very good. I followed instructions. The field was very strong, and I decided I was going to run the first 100m very, very hard, and tell myself, catch me if you can, and I just ran and maintained my form,” added Fraser-Pryce for TrackAlerts even though her coach Stephen Francis is yet to decide if she will double in Daegu, it’s something she wants to do.


utorok 27. januára 2009

UNIT 3 E-commerce

Exercise 1
Find these words in the text and then define them.

dilute to make less concentrated
top the top of something is its highest point or part
share if you share something with another person, you both have it, use it, or occupy it. You can also say that two people share something
performance is that something is doing as well as it was wanted or much more better
generated means to create something
bold someone who is bold is not afraid to do things which involve risk or danger
helm someone who is leading
amid it is surrounded by other things
incentive if something is an incentive to do something, it encourages you to do it
ire is anger
trade down to decrease of sell
revenue is money that a company, organization, or government receives from people

Exercise 2
Write down the short summary of this text.

The e-comerce giant eBay reported very good quarter and facts of their profit were much more better than was analyzed by specialists. Donahoe was the man which helped eBay to do very good because of his "bold moves". He was very helpful for company in the time of policy changes.
Some of the policy changes are the incentives to customer-friendly sellers, those who deliver what they promise, offer fair prices and receive positive feedback.
Then eBay quietly partnered buy.com. Donahoe epxlained that they going to be interested much more in so called "buyer-retention". And more diversify their bussinesses.
Net revenues increased to $602 milions in second quarter. With buying internet phone service Skype, generated $136 million in quarterly revenue. And raising its annual guidance to $1.72 to $1.77 per share.

UNIT 4 Finance

Exercise 1

Find the terms in the text which mean following.

endeavors to try very hard
adjustment(s) a small change made to a machine, system, or calculation
assets the things that a company owns, that can be sold to pay debts in assets
attain(ing) to reach a particular level, age, size etc
share shares in companies, especially ordinary shares; the business of trading shares
expense(s) money that a business spends on supplies, workers, services, etc. in order to operate
insight a sudden clear understanding of something or part of something, especially a complicated situation or idea
cash the amount of money that a company or a person owes
lists to write a list, or mention things one after the other
retained earnings the part of the profit made by a company after tax has been paid that is invested in the company rather than being paid to shareholders as dividends

Exercise 2

Complete the following sentences with the words from the previous exercise.

1 Share prices attained a high of $3.27.
2 The company is reported to have assets of nearly €90 000.
3 Labour is the airline industry’s biggest expense
4 The article gives us a real insight the causes of the present economic crisis.
5 The vast majority of capital spending by companies is financed from retained earnings
6 We had to make some adjustments to the original calculations.
7 Many investors are switching from shares to bonds.
8 Laney continues to be a great cash to the company.
9 We always endeavor to please our customers.
10 These should be available from most good component suppliers and are certainly listed in the Maplin catalogue.

streda 26. novembra 2008

UNIT 2 THE INTERNET - translation


Pred pár rokmy, Silicon Valley, došlo s veľkou fámou že google, neskôr primárne vyhľadávač, môžu pripravovať nový webovský prehliadač, ktorý by mal konkurovať tomu od Microsoftu nazývanému Internet Explorer, ba dokonca operačný systém konkurujúci Microsoft Windows. Google sa na tých fámach iba smial a zavrhol ich. Ale keď Sergey Brin, spoluzakladateľ googlu, zamyslel nad celou tou špekuláciou tak ho napadlo "že to nemusí byť zlý nápad". A tak tento týždeň google vypustil nový webovský vyhladávač, nazývaný Chrome, ktorý je takpovediac operačným systémom. Chrome ma možnosť byť dôkazom vojny proti Microsoftu hoci iba vtedy keď je osoba zameraná proti Microsoftu. Doposiaľ, google za hambí priznať rivalitu s Microsoftom(i keď je vidno že šéf Microsoftu je tým posadnutý). Vo vyhľadávaní na webe a reklame, google dominuje zhruba rovnako ako Microsoft v operačnom systéme a oficových(kancelárskych) aplikáciach.

nedeľa 19. októbra 2008

UNIT 1 Information Technology - short summary

The touch screen has not as long existence in a public field. The most simple way to be in contact with touch screen is in kiosks, markets and point-of-sale equipment, what we are reading in the beginning of the text. Then there is such an more personal way, and that is to have some of "pda" kind machine.
They are less popular nowdays because of iphone. We can read that the touch screen devices aren't good designed. Saying more simple, they aren't looking so good. But the iphone is not in that category or "not looking good" devices.
Then the specialists for the touch screens says that the software for touch screen devices aren't so good so they needed for their devices make whole new software. However touch screen devices uses in lot of cases operating systems windows and linux.
And the last one kind of touch screen is with useing the camera which can input your moves.